Cover Image for Voice AI Agents Hackathon
Cover Image for Voice AI Agents Hackathon
Hosted By
18 Going

Voice AI Agents Hackathon

Hosted by Prateek
Approval Required
Your registration is subject to approval by the host.
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

This hackathon aims to connect people working in or interested in Voice AI agents. The industry is evolving at a rapid rate and there are pleothra of use-cases that developers are building for.

The hackathon will start with an intro on the evolution of Voice AI, the benefits of open-source, as well as the types of Agents that are currently being built and deployed int he industry.

The hackathon is being conducted by the founders of Bolna. Bolna is an open source infra to build and deploy human-like voice AI agents, working with Global leaders in CRM and Staffing to automate conversations. Feel free to play with it at

Please bring your laptops!

This you will require:

  • A Python version 3.10+

  • A use-case to build an MVP

  • ​​Enthusiasm about the Voice AI space

What you'll achieve

  • An MVP project code to show off

  • ​​Getting initial feedback from the entire group of hackers + few VCs

  • ​​New friends

​​Here's a tentative itinerary

​​​17:00 - Arrive and Welcome

​​​17:30 - Intros & mingling

18:00 - Hack start!

​​​19:30 - Submissions

20​:00 - Pitches & Demos

199 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
Hosted By
18 Going