Cover Image for Software Developers' Guide to SOLID Principles

Software Developers' Guide to SOLID Principles

Past Event
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About Event

Crio.Do is hosting a #LearnByDoing workshop where you can grasp concepts through hands-on, real-world scenarios.

If you're a software developer looking to transition into a senior software developer role, understanding SOLID Principles is crucial. Building cloud products based on SOLID Principles enhances code maintainability, scalability, code collaboration, and reduces technical debt.

Build clouds products on Solid Principle helps in cod maintainbilty, scalibilty, code collaboration and technical debt reduction.

What there for you in the session?

  • Overview of the OOPs concepts

  • Gain an in depth understanding of SOLIDs Principle

  • Learn how it is being used in product companies

    • Zcommerce Example - Fictional Company

  • How it helps in 

    • Code Maintainability

    • Scalability

    • Code Collaboration

    • Technical Debt Reduction

#LearnByDoing Activity: Put your newfound knowledge into action through hands-on exercises. You'll have the opportunity to apply what you've learned and critique designs.

See you there!!!