Tellart Hosts: The Center for Genomic Gastronomy
'Tellart hosts' is a series of gatherings in which Tellart extends an invitation to esteemed guests, welcoming them into our studio.
At Tellart we care about fostering a community of collaboration and innovation. We thrive on the idea that each of us has something valuable to share, and as humble hosts, we invite guests to join us on this journey. This month, we welcome The Center for Genomic Gastronomy.
FOOD PHREAKING: exploring the biotechnologies and biodiversity of human food systems
Genomic Gastronomy is an artist-led think tank that makes work about food, technology, taste & place. In the 2010s we served unexpected ingredients (smog, GMO fish and mutation-bred sauce) as a form of contestational cooking. In the 2020s we turned our attention towards complexity, agricultural biodiversity and prototyping food forest fantasies & new national dishes.
This talk will trace that transition in scale: from researching individual ingredients to cultivating a global network of collaborating experts & amateurs. Our most recent projects have enlarged our scale of interest to bioregional cuisines, planetary indigestion and even, off-planet permacultures.
our guests, The Center for Genomic Gastronomy is an artist-led think tank launched in 2010 by Cathrine Kramer (NO) and Zack Denfeld (US). They were joined by Emma Conley(US) in 2013. Their mission is to map food controversies, prototype alternative culinary futures and imagine a more just, biodiverse & beautiful food system.
They have collaborated with scientists, chefs, hackers and farmers in Europe, Asia, and North America. Working between and beyond the life sciences and gastronomy Genomic Gastronomy has been published in Science, Nature and Gastronomica and exhibited at the World Health Organization, Kew Gardens, V&A Museum, Science Gallery, MU, V2_ and others. They are currently based in Amsterdam and Porto and are working on New National Dishes and Food Forest Fantasies.