Cosmos Berlin²
We are coming back to Berlin 🇩🇪
Cosmos Berlin² is set to take place on May 27, 2024. Expect a full-day event packed with keynotes/ panels, an exhibition area, F&B, and much more.
Cosmos Berlin² marks the kick-off event for the "Berlin Cosmos Week" at the end of May.
This year, the event will focus on chain abstraction, modularity, and the question what "The Cosmos" actually is.
Thanks to this year's sponsors: Interchain Foundation, Namada, Abstract, and Warden Protocol.
10:00 AM Doors Open
11:30 AM Gm, Berlin - Juri Maibaum, (Co-Founder Cosmoverse)
11:35 The Grand Vision of IBC - Susannah Evans (Product Lead IBC)
11:50 AM What is "The Cosmos" or "Interchain"? - Adair Kelley (Abstract), David Pinger (Warden Protocol), Avril Dutheil (Neutron) Mod: Mary McGilvray
12:15 PM Introducing Anoma - Adiran Brink (Co-Founder Anoma)
12:30 PM The Roll-up Era - Marko Baricevic (Cosmos SDK-Lead); Altan Tutar (NEAR Core Contributor); Viet Nguyen (Celestia) Mod: Sergej Stein (Stakecito)
12:55 PM Stewarding the Interchain Dev Experience - by Oliver Schwarzenbach (Interchain Foundation)
1:10 PM Lunch & Networking
4:00 PM Doors Close