Cover Image for How to personalize cold emails [7 steps from lemlist team 🚀]

How to personalize cold emails [7 steps from lemlist team 🚀]

Hosted by Ilya from lemlist family 🚀 & lemlist
Past Event
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About Event

​"You're the only one who is reading your own cold emails"


​Because it's about you and not about your leads.

​So I'll host a webinar where I'll show:

  1. ​3 levels of personalization 

  2. ​how to always keep your open rate 80+%

  3. ​how we at lemlist personalize our own campaigns 

  4. ​How to 2x your reply rate with image & video personalization 

​Full of templates and examples. Fully lemstyle. 🚀

​Only for lemfam 😘

​And of course, I'll answer all your questions 👌