Cover Image for CoinFund Season Closer
Cover Image for CoinFund Season Closer
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CoinFund Season Closer

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Miami, Florida
Past Event
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About Event

Join us to celebrate our last happy hour of the season. We have been overwhelmed by the love and support the Miami community has given us, and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new friends and old every month. We look forward to seeing you all again after the summer!

And so, for the last time until the fall, the team at CoinFund are bringing like-minded folks in the Miami Web3 community together to chat crypto, web3, zk, ai, intents, LRTs, LSTs, evms, ETFs, or whatever other acronym suits your fancy.

All welcome, bring your friends. This isn't goodbye, it's see you later!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Miami, Florida
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We champion the leaders of the new Internet - powered by foresight as active investors to achieve extraordinary outcomes.
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