Cover Image for Coaching & Coffee #onthePORCH at OneEleven
Cover Image for Coaching & Coffee #onthePORCH at OneEleven
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PORCH Events
An Exclusive Community for Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals
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Coaching & Coffee #onthePORCH brings in experts in different functional expertise areas (sales, VC, startup law, marketing, pitching, etc.) to support immigrant entrepreneurs and professionals in Canada.

The event will have 4 different coaches at each assigned roundtable, with networking ongoing throughout the event. There will be 4 x 30-minute discussions with each coach at each table.

You will have the opportunity to visit every coach, pick 1 or 2, or just network with other attendees. You choose how to spend the time and dive into topics valuable to you!

This is a great opportunity to speak with experienced coaches and get the support you need.

PORCH Plus Members get FREE access to all PORCH events. For the price of a lunch a month, you get 50+ virtual sessions a year with incredible speakers, 15+ in person events, an active community filled with people to meet and help you, and more!

If you are an immigrant entrepreneur or professional and want to join the PORCH community, you can apply here.

Coaches and Topics:

Charlie Macfarlane


  1. Business formation (incorporation and structuring)

  2. Business organization (drafting, agreements, etc.)

  3. Business management (risk management, expansion, financing, acquisition, etc.)

Charlie is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario specializing in corporate and commercial legal advisory for early-stage businesses in Ontario under his sole proprietorship, Balsam Advisory. Charlie's suite of services focuses on start-up business matters including (i) business formation (incorporation and structuring), (ii) business organization (drafting/reviewing/negotiating commercial agreements), and (iii) business management (corporate secretarial duties, ongoing legal risk management, and preparation for business expansion/financing/acquisition).

Nina Purewal


  1. How to let sh*t go

  2. Mindfulness &/or meditation

  3. Showing up as your authentic self

  4. Navigating imposter syndrome

  5. Mental health & growing up in an immigrant household

Nina Purewal faced an unexpected childhood tragedy, which inspired her mindfulness and meditation journey over twenty years ago. After climbing the corporate ladder in sales & marketing for nearly a decade, she took a sabbatical and moved to California to unplug and live in an ashram for a year to further her learning of ancient wisdom and letting go. It’s been her greatest passion to help others find happiness through adversity. With that, she founded Pure Minds Inc., a social enterprise that conducts mindfulness and meditation workshops for the corporate sector, with over 50 clients. She is the co-author of the International Bestseller, Let That Sh*t Go, a Mindfulness Coach and an Executive Greif Ambassador for The Seasons Centre for Grieving Children.

Will Greenblatt

  1. Pitching & presentation skills

  2. Public speaking

  3. Storytelling

Will helps founders and F500 companies transform their pitches, meetings and presentations with public speaking & storytelling workshops + 1:1 Zoom coaching.

As a former film & TV actor, theatre school grad, ex-teacher, public speaking coach, and paid speaker, Will learned not only how to perform onstage and on camera, but how to teach those skills to others, especially fellow entrepreneurs.

Neil Weitzman

  1. GTM

  2. Warm vs cold outbound

  3. Importance of marketing in the early stages

  4. Importance of data-driven hiring

As the Founder of revenue•x, a GTM and revenue advisory providing fractional CRO services, Neil focuses on helping small and medium-sized businesses build an efficient GTM motion through people, processes, and platforms.

Neil brings 25+ years of learning within B2B SaaS, technology, consulting and data businesses, where he has helped lead companies through different growth stages, including $0-$3M, $3-$6M, $20-$50M, and $100M-$200M+.

Neil speaks often on the power of community and go-to-networks to help businesses grow.

Always trying to live by the POP principles (Passionate, Optimistic, Perseverance), Neil prides himself on having a perfect say/do ratio.

Please email with any questions :)

This event is a part of #TorontoTechFest - a week of events May 21-24th hosted by founders, startups, organizations, and VCs to bring together the tech ecosystem in Toronto. 🚀

325 Front St W 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 2Y1, Canada
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Presented by
PORCH Events
An Exclusive Community for Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals