Water Security : Mind The Gap
More than two billion people around the world lack access to safe drinking water, a crisis that is worsening as a result of climate change.
With water extraction far outpacing conservation, the gap between available water and demand is projected to reach 40% by 2030.
Oxfam invites you to explore how we can build equitable collective approaches that tackle the increasing inequality and injustice of water insecurity.
The scale of these issues is far beyond what any one organisation can tackle alone. Alongside others we are pursuing lasting solutions to water insecurity in communities, including financing and technology, to achieve impact at both scale and pace.
This facilitated workshop will bring together expertise from diverse fields, with a shared focus on achieving global water security. Enabling guests to engage with the discussion, as we identify opportunities to collectively close the water gap.
Capacity: 60 maximum.
Image: Abdia Ibrahim, participant of the water project in Barambale in Kenya, using the water point set up by MID-P in partnership with Oxfam. Credit: Mark Wahwai / Oxfam