Cover Image for Playing Through Your Career Change: Networking Advice with Laurie McGinley
Cover Image for Playing Through Your Career Change: Networking Advice with Laurie McGinley
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A climate recruitment agency that's dedicated to getting as many people working on climate solutions as possible!

Playing Through Your Career Change: Networking Advice with Laurie McGinley

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Intro to Series:

Networking is often touted as a crucial aspect of the climate job search. While extroverts thrive on it, introverts often dread it. But what if we told you that networking doesn't have to be uncomfortable? Join us for a 4-session series led by Laurie McGinley, a career coach and networking enthusiast, where she will guide you through the steps to make networking fun! 

The first two sessions are open to everyone, while the last two are tailored to your personality style: attend the third session if you consider yourself introverted, and the fourth if you're more extroverted. And if you find yourself somewhere in the middle, feel free to attend all four sessions.

About Sessions:

1) Making networking fun: I loathe the idea of networking, but need to do it

  • In this session you’ll learn about a myriad of ways that networking can be activities that you enjoy. You’ve heard the stats that ¾ of jobs are never posted so you know networking will increase your odds of landing a job. But you loathe networking. Laurie actually loves running on a treadmill and we can’t promise THAT will be a takeaway, she will introduce you to a number of ways to network that meet your needs. 

2) Wait, that counts as networking?

  • In this session we’ll explore all the ways you are probably already nearly networking and how to take what you’re doing up to the next level. Many times the people who will help us land a new job are already in our network and we just don’t take the action to make a Big Ask. We’ll help that feel safer to do. 

3) Small talk with strangers is off limits: How do I network?

  • In this session you’ll use the Magic Formula and explore written networking. We get it, small talk in crowds just won’t work. The good news is that you do not need to be in person in big crowds to meet people who will help you get your new job. 

4) I love talking to people and want to get better at networking 

  • In this session you’ll embrace your outer extrovert. This one is for people who love diving into a crowded room full of strangers and engaging in small talk. We’ll explore what you are doing, why it isn’t working, and elevate your gregarious extrovert practice so that you get better results.

Avatar for Climate People
Presented by
Climate People
A climate recruitment agency that's dedicated to getting as many people working on climate solutions as possible!