🐦 Nature x Art Circle
👋 Join Us!
Join Climate Designers Los Angeles during our quarterly Global Chapters Week! This casual meetup will connect you to like-minded creatives wherever they are on their climate journey.
🤙 About Event
A morning of immersing in nature and making art with Climate Designers at Griffith Park!
10-10:15AM meet at The Trails Cafe / introductions
10:15-11:00 AM Listen to For The Birds: The Birdsong Project, introduced by one of the co-creators of this Grammy award-winning album. Discuss the collaborative and collective process and conceptual design behind this one-of-a-kind boxed set that culminated in winning the Grammy for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package.
11-11:15AM grounding exercise & sound meditation - what do we hear?
11:15AM-12:15PM art circle - write, sketch or paint whatever inspires us and chat about art x climate. art supplies will be provided but feel free to bring your own as well.
12:15-1:00PM optional: grab a bite at The Trails Cafe! menu here
12:30-1:00PM 30-minute nature walk at Ferndell Trail. Download the Merlin app to identify birds around us. It's like Shazam for birdsongs!
**wear comfortable shoes, and we suggest you bring your own blanket for our grounding exercise and art circle.
🌍 About Global Chapters Week
Chapters Week is a quarterly event that takes place around the world. Along with Climate Designers LA, there are other Climate Designers chapters bringing their design communities together.
You all are participating in a global event series happening this week alongside fellow designers from around the world to learn, share, and connect with one another.
Our climate emergency affects every city, town, and region differently. This is why we need to learn about the climate organizations and policies in our area so that we know what’s going on and how we can help. This is key to ensuring creatives can step up and use their talents in supporting these efforts.
Learn more about Climate Designers at climatedesigners.org
🙌 Event Hosts
Climate Designers: stay up to date with what we’re doing at http://climatedesigners.org/losangeles. Follow us on Instagram.
☝️General Notice
By registering for this event, or any other event organized by Climate Designers or by attending, you are acknowledging that you are aware and made your guests aware of the risks, dangers, and hazards associated with any outdoor activity, and you accept, and fully assume all such risks, dangers, and hazards, and further agree to release, and discharge the Organizer, Assistant Organizers, and Event Hosts from, and against any, and all liability arising from your and your guest's participation in the group activities.