Cover Image for gofod3 - Working towards intersectional inclusion | Gweithio tuag at gynhwysiant rhyngblethol
Cover Image for gofod3 - Working towards intersectional inclusion | Gweithio tuag at gynhwysiant rhyngblethol

gofod3 - Working towards intersectional inclusion | Gweithio tuag at gynhwysiant rhyngblethol

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Ble ydyn ni wedi cyrraedd a pha waith sydd eto i'w wneud?

Ymunwch â chwmni theatr cynhwysol Hijinx sy’n gweithio gydag artistiaid ag anableddau dysgu a/neu awtistiaeth a NAWA (Niwroamrywiaeth a Gwrth-hiliaeth yng Nghelfyddydau Cymru) wrth iddynt olrhain eu taith barhaus i wneud cynhwysiant yn gwbl rhyngblethol.

Bydd y sesiynau'n cynnwys rhagflas o hyfforddiant cyfathrebu ac ymarferion theatr fforwm gydag actorion Hijinx, rhannu’r hyn a ddysgwyd hyd yma ym mhrosiect NAWA, ac amser ar gyfer trafodaeth a chwestiynau gan fynychwyr. 


Where have we got to and what work is still to do?

Join inclusive theatre company Hijinx who work with learning disabled and / or autistic artists and NAWA (Neurodiversity and Anti-Racism in Welsh Arts) as they trace their ongoing journey to making inclusion fully intersectional.

Sessions will include tasters of communications training and forum theatre exercises with Hijinx actors, shared learnings from the NAWA project so far, and time for discussion and questions from attendees. 

Cardiff City Stadium
Leckwith Rd, Cardiff CF11 8AZ, UK