🐱 Catstanbul 2025
Introducing ✨ Catstanbul 2025 ✨
Catstanbul is 3 things.
A Turning Point for Jupiter
Catstanbul will be a major turning point for Jupiter with major platform unveils and key new team initiatives shared. Understand more about Jupiter’s ecosystem strategy and find out how you can collaborate with Jupiter and be a part of this future. Whether you are a dev, a musician, or a creator of any kind, we want you with us!
A Gathering Point of the Jupiverse
This is a chance for you to showcase your talents to the community and present and share your ideas with everyone. Connect with other passionate members of the Jupiverse and discover why the Jupiverse is Home.
A Celebration of JUP
Come and experience the best of JUP for yourself as we embark on key ecosystem rituals such as a live transparency audit and burning tokens. There will be important discussions around how JUP fits into the future of Jupiverse and we want you to be a part of them!
Dates: 25-26 January 2025
Venue: Istanbul, Turkey
Ticket Price: Free with a refundable deposit of 99 JUP
A refundable deposit of 99 JUP is required to confirm your registration. This deposit will be refunded at the conference.
We offer a subsidy program where each attendee can receive up to $2,000 to cover travel costs. The subsidy will be on a reimbursement basis after the conference. Apply here: https://airtable.com/app1qYpah191PCEAZ/pagPWmeZ5FvkeMvI5/form