Pennsylvania Canvassing
We will be partnering with UWS Action Group! Please sign up directly on their page and we will link up in PA!
It's officially go time! We live an hour and a half drive away from two of the most competitive U.S. House districts (PA 7 and PA 8) nestled in a key Presidential swing state. How could we not pass up this wonderful opportunity for high-impact door knocking?
Join your favorite climate-centered friends as we bus an hour and change across state lines to fire up voters. We'll provide the busses and training — all you have to do is show up.
The nitty gritty: The campaigns usually provide some snacks and local volunteers/drivers to shuttle us around to our assigned turf. You'll pair up and tackle a swath of houses together (if you don't have a buddy, don't fear! We can throw you together with another pair or find you another friend). TBD on exactly where the bus will leave from (if we can get enough Brooklynites, most likely Barclays, but if not, Hudson Yards). You'll be back in time for dinner.