Cover Image for Pod-Founding-PMs


Hosted by Alexa Han & 4 others
No Upcoming Sessions
This series has no upcoming sessions scheduled. Heard something is coming? Check back later!
About Event

How it works

​> Join the meeting -

> Join one of the breakout rooms. We aim for a group of 5-7 people to have tight-knit discussions.

> Anyone in the room can kickoff a roundtable of introductions for everyone. (5min)

> After the introductions, everyone will propose a topic/question they would like to discuss with the group.

> Once all topics/questions are proposed, the group as a whole will decide which topic to start with.

> The person who proposed the topic/question will provide more context and kickoff the discussion. (~20min)

Each breakout room will drive their own discussions!

​This is a monthly call hosted in the #pod-founding-pms slack channel. Please message Alexa H. on Slack if you have any questions!