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College to Climate Monthly

Hosted by Abid Sikder & 4 others
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About Event

About College to Climate

College to Climate was founded by university students eager to make an impact in climate-tech but unsure of how to get there.

Our monthly events bring you one step closer to the action by building your climate network and introducing you to professionals who have already traveled their own path from COLLEGE to CLIMATE.

Our goal is to create a college career pipeline that is as noticeable and effective as those for med school, law school, IB, and consulting – but for jobs that directly work to mitigate climate change.

We're the generation that will fix climate change, and College to Climate is here to lead the way.

So if you are a college student or recently graduated and wondering how to get a job solving climate change, this event is for you!


May's speaker is Caitlyn McCloskey, process engineer at Sublime Systems, which is a Boston-based startup that is "commercializing a breakthrough process to make low-carbon cement that performs like the cement you’re used to, without the environmental cost."

Caitlyn will speak on how she got her current role, techniques for reaching out to climate startups you're interested in working for, and decarbonizing industry!


  • 5 m – Enter information into intros spreadsheet, icebreaker

  • 10 m – Group networking

  • 10 m – Speaker

  • 15 m – Q&A

  • 10 m – 1-on-1 networking

  • Remaining time – Wrap-up