Cover Image for Route Optimization: Finding Shortest Path in Python + Graph Database
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Neo4j is the open source graph database that allows you to manage, query and visualize your connected data
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Route Optimization: Finding Shortest Path in Python + Graph Database

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This is a virtual event, organized by Austin Python Meetup

Title: Route Optimization: Finding Shortest Path in Python + Graph Database
Michael Ryan will be showcasing airplane route optimization using Neo4j's blazing fast graph database. He will take the example of air traffic and examine the fastest route using Yen’s k-shortest path algorithm. His demo uses a Jupyter notebook, where he explores, cleans up, and analyzes a route and airport dataset. He then walks through how to apply data science algorithms on the graph database to find the shortest paths between locations.

Michael Ryan is an engineer at Neo4j. Michael received his MS in Operations Research and BS in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University. At Neo4j, Michael's work spans working with machine learning models, demonstrating the value of graph databases, and enabling people with the skills of how to use a graph database

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Presented by
Neo4j is the open source graph database that allows you to manage, query and visualize your connected data
Hosted By
17 Going