Solana Coffee House at GDC
Join us at the Solana Coffee House (no badge needed) for 2 days packed with talks about blockchain in gaming! This is a space for you to grab a free coffee and pastry, engage with Web3 experts, and find ways to take your game to the next level!
Solana staff and ecosystem teams will present on a variety of topics, such as:
March 19
10:30a Getting Started on Solana (Solana Foundation Staff)
11:15a Games Only possible on Solana (Solana Foundation Staff)
12:00p Digital Ownership in Web3 Gaming (HoneyLand)
1:00p Live Code a Game in 10mins (Solana Foundation Staff)
2:00p Beyond NFTs: Integrating Web3 for Unstoppable and Composable Games (MagicBlock)
March 20
10:30a Getting Started on Solana (Solana Foundation Staff)
11:45a Turnkey Web3 Game Development with Solana GameShift (Solana Labs Staff)
12:30p Games Only Possible on Solana (Solana Foundation Staff)
1:30p Live Code a Game in 10mins (Solana Foundation Staff)
2:00p Make Your Game Faster with Web3 (Turbo)
3:00p How We Built the First Fully On-Chain Solana Game (Laddercaster and BuddyLink)