Cover Image for ALIGN Webinar #9 with Dr. Albert Webson (Google DeepMind)
Cover Image for ALIGN Webinar #9 with Dr. Albert Webson (Google DeepMind)
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ALIGN Webinar #9 with Dr. Albert Webson (Google DeepMind)

Hosted by AI Alignment Network (ALIGN)
Past Event
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About Event

In the ninth episode of the ALIGN webinar series, we will invite Dr. Albert Webson, a senior research scientist at Google DeepMind.

During his PhD at Brown University, he co-first-authored several early instruction-tuned models (e.g., T0, FLAN-T5, BLOOM).At DeepMind, he is one of the main technical contributors to Gemini pretraining and reinforcement learning.

In this webinar, Albert will share an overview of the main components of contemporary LLM pretraining and post-training (SFT and RLHF), including their connections to the history of alignment.

ALIGNウェビナーの第9回では、Google DeepMindのシニア・リサーチ・サイエンティストであるAlbert Webson博士をお招きします。Albertさんは、ブラウン大学での博士課程在学中、初期のinstruction-tuned model(T0、FLAN-T5、BLOOMなど)に関する研究で共同原著論文を執筆。DeepMindでは、Geminiの事前学習と強化学習の主要な貢献者の一人です。本ウェビナーでは、現代の大規模言語モデル(LLM)の事前学習と事後学習(SFTとRLHF)について、AIアライメントの歴史との関連性を含めてお話いただきます。



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