Cover Image for Building a Customer Journey Map from A to Z
Cover Image for Building a Customer Journey Map from A to Z
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UXPressia Events
UXPressia's events bring together people who are passionate about improving customer and user experience through journey mapping.
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326 Going

Building a Customer Journey Map from A to Z

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About Event

Are you new to customer journey mapping and looking for a practical, hands-on guide to get started? Or perhaps you want to refine your skills and learn how to create more effective journey maps that truly capture your customers’ experiences? Join us for the event, where we’ll take you through the entire process of building a customer journey map from scratch, using the real-life scenario of a car subscription service.

In this session, we’ll guide you step-by-step as we build a journey map, providing you with valuable insights that you can apply to your own projects. We’ll be working within UXPressia, our powerful CJM tool, to show you just how easy and effective journey mapping can be when you have the right tools at your disposal.

✍ What to expect:

  • Understand the fundamentals of customer journey mapping

  • Step-by-step journey map creation in real time:

    • Get introduced to the persona used in our case

    • Discover how to identify the stages of the journey

    • Explore main and additional sections of a journey map

    • See how to bring your journey map to life with the UXPressia tool

    • Find out how to use the map to identify areas for improvement

  • Participate in the journey map creation process along with other attendees

  • Ask your questions to learn even more about journey mapping 

By the end of the session, you will have a clear understanding of how to build a journey map for your business and a detailed map example to use as a guide.

​​​👥 Who is it for?

Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your journey mapping skills, this event is perfect for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of CJM and see it in action. 

About organizers

​​​​​​​UXPressia is an all-in-one cloud solution for understanding customer, user, and buyer experience, engaging teams, and driving successful digital transformation. Visualize your customers' journeys, create personas and impact maps, analyze touchpoints in multi-channel interactions, and invite teammates to collaborate in real time. Export designer-quality maps and personas and present them right from your browser online.

​​​​​​​🎥 The event is going to be recorded.

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Presented by
UXPressia Events
UXPressia's events bring together people who are passionate about improving customer and user experience through journey mapping.
Hosted By
326 Going