Cover Image for Bufficorns Dreamland: ETHDenver Official Opening Party
Cover Image for Bufficorns Dreamland: ETHDenver Official Opening Party
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Metis Fest
Signature event of the Metis Foundation
Hosted By
3,820 Went

Bufficorns Dreamland: ETHDenver Official Opening Party

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About Event

The official opening party of ETHDenver that's set to blow your mind! Anything can happen in Dreamland, so let the night lead the way. Get ready for a one of a kind experience: explore the land, meet other bufficorns, collect badges and win big in Dreamland!

Everyone is a bufficorn in Bufficorn Dreamland! Get your badge, collect swag, and meet and scan other bufficorn badges. The more you collect the closer you get to being crowned the KING of the Bufficorn Dreamland! EthDenver is meant for networking, so get to it, make new friends, and have fun!

So much gratitude and so many thanks to our sponsors Metis, DEXTools, Artifact Systems, ZKM, LeagueTech, LazAI, RHINO, LBank, API3 & Nodies. 🙏

Stay FESTive! 🍭🎉

Tom's Watch Bar - Coors Field
1601 19th St Unit 100, Denver, CO 80202, USA
Avatar for Metis Fest
Presented by
Metis Fest
Signature event of the Metis Foundation
Hosted By
3,820 Went