2024上海区块链国际周·第十届区块链全球峰会/2024 Shanghai International Blockchain Week· The Tenth Global Blockchain Week
This is a paid event. Please buy your tickets at: https://9424105689699.huodongxing.com/event/7760524433511
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Contact us for sponsor, media, community collaboration and ticket related issues: summit@blockchainlabs.org
活动简介 About Event
历经十载,上海区块链国际周·万向区块链全球峰会已成为国际上知名的区块链盛会,中国银行前行长李礼辉、以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin、智能合约之父Nick Szabo、Polkadot创始人Gavin Wood、协议实验室创始人兼首席执行官Juan Benet、Solana联合创始人Anatoly Yakovenko、Chainlink联合创始人Sergey Nazarov、NEAR Protocol联合创始人Illia Polosukhin、Aptos联合创始人兼首席技术官Avery Ching、Stellar联合创始人兼首席技术官&Ripple创始人Jed McCaleb、阿里巴巴前首席战略官曾鸣、Offchain Labs联合创始人及执行总裁Steven Goldfeder、StarkWare联合创始人兼总裁Eli Ben-Sasson、Cosmos项目创始人Jae Kwon、耶鲁大学计算机系教授 & CertiK联合创始人邵中、斯坦福商学院金融学教授何治国、麻省理工学院福特工程学教授&图灵奖获得者Silvio Micali、Animoca Brands联合创办人兼执行主席Yat Siu等均出席过甚至多次出席万向峰会并发表重要演讲。
Shanghai International Blockchain Week and the Global Blockchain Summit, hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs every autumn since 2015, has grown into an influential and iconic blockchain event in Asia and beyond. Every year, vanguards from blockchain and other industries from all over the world are gathered to discuss the development trend, challenges and opportunities of blockchain technologies.
Previous editions of Shanghai International Blockchain Week featured an array of top-tier speakers across the blockchain industry, including:
Li Lihui, Former President of Bank of China
Vitalik Buterin, Co-founder of Ethereum
Nick Szabo, Creator of smart contracts
Gavin Wood, Founder of Polkadot
Juan Benet, Founder and CEO of Protocol Labs
Anatoly Yakovenko, Co-founder of Solana
Sergey Nazarov, Co-founder of Chainlink
Illia Polosukhin, Co-founder of NEAR Protocol
Avery Ching, Co-founder and CTO of Aptos
Jed McCaleb, Co-founder and CTO of Stellar, Co-founder of Ripple
Zeng Ming, Ex CSO of Alibaba Group
Steven Goldfeder, CEO and Co-founder of Offchain Labs
Eli Ben-Sasson, Co-founder and President of StarkWare
Jae Kwon, Founder of Cosmos
Shao Zhong, Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, Co-founder of CertiK
He Zhiguo, Finance Professor at Chicago University
Silvio Micali, MIT professor, Turing Award-Winning Cryptographer
Yat Siu, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, Animoca Brands
Under the theme of "Road to Future Web3", 2024 Shanghai International Blockchain Week is scheduled on 16-17, Oct. where talented developers, scholars and entrepreneurs of the global blockchain industry will gather there to exchange ideas on the latest trends and cutting-edge technologies.
10月16日 开放日
Oct.16 Open Day
每一年的上海区块链国际周,都是聚焦全球目光的一次巅峰聚会, 更是旨在与整个区块链行业“共享共赢”的开放平台。今年的国际周,将有专门的一天为各同仁公司举办的周边活动开放。我们期望与行业各位,携起手来,共同推进中国区块链行业的发展。(开放日活动以各主办方发布为准,万向区块链不负责核实非官方活动信息)
Shanghai International Blockchain Week, the annual summit that attracts the global attention, aims to build a sharing and win-win platform for the industry with the summit and around 100 side events. This Open Day is specially reserved for fellow companies to display their projects and technologies and for our audience to explore more exciting opportunities. Let’s build together for a better future of the blockchain industry.
10月17日 第十届区块链全球峰会
Oct.17 The Tenth Global Blockchain Summit
The Tenth Global Blockchain Summit scheduled on Oct.17 will invite prominent technical leaders, experts and scholars from various industries as always to jointly discuss the latest achievements, trends and ideas of the blockchain industry and promote the massive application of the blockchain technology through integrated innovation as an effort to create socio-economic value.
This whole summit will also be streamed.