Breakthroughs in Computing: Gaming the Future
This is a virtual event, with an in-person broadcast in Lisbon. We invite LabWeek22 participants and others in Lisbon to join us at Convento do Beato for drinks, light bites, and discussion.
Join us for a live virtual talk and conversation from Foresight Institute's Allison Duettmann on the technological reasons for existential hope. From brain computer interfaces to crypto-commerce to robotics, Allison sits at the intersection of many of these trends and is working to coordinate these factors towards flourishing futures. Allison will deliver a talk and then sit down with a conversation with Protocol Labs' Founder Juan Benet, and finally the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers.
This event is part of the Breakthroughs in Computing Speaker Series, on how technology will shape society in the next 5 to 25 years. Hosted by Protocol Labs, this series runs every evening from Oct 24-28. It's designed to bring people together, sharing convivial drinks, thoughtful discussions, and new connections.
We invite all LabWeek22 participants to join the Breakthroughs in Computing Speaker Series. We also welcome any others who are engaging in advanced computing initiatives. This could be open source projects, research, higher education, or similar endeavors.