Cover Image for Brand Perception vs Discounting In eCommerce

Brand Perception vs Discounting In eCommerce

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Join us to delve into insights on brand perception versus discounting in eCommerce today.

This networking and breakfast event is co-hosted by Leaf, Nibble and True to help you unwrap this timely topic.

Our panel will explore the challenges of moving away from discounting and the unfavourable market conditions for doing so in the eCommerce sector.

Factors such as:

💰 Price sensitivity

⛽ The cost of living crisis

🤼 Competitive pressures

...all make discounts crucial for customer acquisition and meeting key metrics.

But removing discounts may lead to lower conversion rates, higher customer acquisition costs, lower AOV's, and reduced effectiveness of your email marketing. This session will discuss how brands can wean their customers off heavy discounting, while still respecting their customers' macroeconomic environment and meeting both short-term KPIs and long-term brand goals.

Our expert panel include:

Rosie Bailey - Co Founder @ Nibble & Moderator for this session

Eli Khrapko - Co Founder & COO @ Wype

Lemon Fuller - Founder & CEO @ Lemonade Dolls

Nick Lawson - Head of Growth @ SURI

Secure your spot now to be first in the cue for a fresh out of the oven pain au chocolate... 🥐