Cover Image for BGA Connects Hong Kong
Cover Image for BGA Connects Hong Kong
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Hong Kong Island
Past Event
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About Event

Join us for an immersive and insightful journey into the thriving world of blockchain gaming at BGA Connects Hong Kong, hosted by the Blockchain Game Alliance at the PwC HK office. Whether you're a seasoned gamer, a blockchain enthusiast, or simply curious about the intersection of technology and entertainment, this event promises to be an unforgettable experience.

📅 Date: Friday, March 1, 2024

🕛Time: 16:00 to 19:00

📍 Location: PwC HK Office: Room: 2105, 21/F, Edinburgh Tower The Landmark 15 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong SAR, China


  • ​4:00 pm: 👋 Doors open

  • 4:30 pm: 🎤 BGA Members presentation

  • ​5:00 pm: 📊 BGA Annual Industry Report Presentation

  • 5:30 pm: 🗣 Experts Panel

  • ​6:00 pm: 👾 Networking Session + 🎮 Web3 Game Fair

🌟 Event Highlights:

  • 👾 Network with Like-minded Individuals: Connect with fellow enthusiasts, industry experts, game developers, and blockchain enthusiasts who share your passion for the future of gaming. Expand your network, exchange ideas, and foster potential collaborations.

  • 🗣 Expert Insights: Gain valuable insights from renowned experts in the blockchain game industry. Our panel of distinguished speakers will share their knowledge, experience, and vision for the future of web3 gaming, shedding light on the latest trends, emerging technologies, and investment opportunities.

  • 🎮 Showcase of Cutting-Edge Games and Projects: Immerse yourself in the world of blockchain games and witness firsthand the transformative power of decentralized technologies. Explore a curated selection of innovative games that leverage blockchain and smart contracts to offer unique gameplay experiences, true ownership of in-game assets, and vibrant virtual economies.

  • 🕹️ Hong Kong as a Hotspot for Web3 Gaming: Discover why Hong Kong has emerged as a hub for blockchain game development, investment, and innovation. Learn about the city's supportive ecosystem, favorable regulations, and strategic geographical location, which make it an ideal destination for businesses and entrepreneurs in the web3 gaming industry.

  • ⏺️ Interactive Workshops and Demos: Participate in interactive workshops and hands-on demos where you can learn about the fundamentals of blockchain technology, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and their impact on the gaming landscape. Get a chance to experience the creation and trading of digital assets and explore the possibilities of decentralized gaming platforms.

  • 🎁 Exciting Giveaways and Prizes: Engage in fun activities throughout the event and stand a chance to win exciting giveaways and prizes. From rare NFTs to exclusive in-game items, there's something for everyone.

👉 Don't miss this incredible opportunity to dive deep into the world of blockchain gaming, connect with industry leaders, and explore the potential of decentralized gaming platforms. Join us at the "BGA Connects Hong Kong" event and be a part of the revolution that's reshaping the gaming industry. Limited seats available, so book your spot now!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Hong Kong Island
Hosted By