Cover Image for [Lecture] Introduction to Attention Variants
Cover Image for [Lecture] Introduction to Attention Variants
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[Lecture] Introduction to Attention Variants

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[Lecture] Introduction to Attention Variants
Date: Thursday, September 19
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (GMT-04:00)
Location: Agora Discord (Online Event)
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Attention mechanisms have revolutionized the field of AI, powering models that understand language, images, and even video. This lecture is an in-depth exploration of the different Attention Variants and how they enhance performance in AI models. We will cover the fundamentals of attention and then dive into advanced attention techniques, such as Multi-Grouped Query Attention (MQA) and Tree Attention.

Whether you’re a researcher, AI engineer, or simply interested in understanding how modern attention mechanisms work, this session will give you the tools and knowledge to select and apply the right attention mechanism for your use cases.


  • 7:30 PM - 7:40 PM:
    Introduction to Attention Mechanisms
    A quick review of the basics of attention, covering Self-Attention and its impact on AI models like Transformers.

  • 7:40 PM - 8:00 PM:
    Deep Dive into Multi-Grouped Query Attention (MQA)
    Learn how Multi-Grouped Query Attention (MQA) works and where it can be applied for optimal performance in tasks like NLP and computer vision.

  • 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM:
    Tree Attention: A Hierarchical Approach
    Explore the architecture and benefits of Tree Attention, a structured approach to attention that is highly effective for complex hierarchical tasks.

  • 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM:
    Other Advanced Attention Variants
    Introduction to other attention variants such as Sparse Attention and Cross Attention, with practical examples of where they are most effective.

  • 9:00 PM - 9:20 PM:
    When to Use Which Attention Mechanism?
    Best practices and real-world examples to help you decide which attention variant to use based on the problem you are solving.

  • 9:20 PM - 9:30 PM:
    Q&A Session
    An open floor for participants to ask questions about attention mechanisms and how to apply them to their own projects.

Join us on the Agora Discord for this comprehensive lecture and take your understanding of attention mechanisms to the next level. Whether you are working on NLP, computer vision, or multi-modal tasks, you will leave with actionable insights on how to leverage attention variants for your projects.

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Presented by
Swarms Calendar
Hosted By
12 Going