Cover Image for Let's learn Nostr Protocol! A social network based on bitcoin signatures
Cover Image for Let's learn Nostr Protocol! A social network based on bitcoin signatures
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Let's learn Nostr Protocol! A social network based on bitcoin signatures

Hosted by Dentropy
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The Tutorial Starts at 07:00 PM

Note: This is a tutorial open for beginers. Please bring your laptop. The tutoiral will be in Javascript and use git. So if you could try installing nodejs and git before arriving it will help make sure things move smoothly.

Link to tutorial

Nostr is the simplist and most decentralized social media protocol out there. Using the same cryptography as bitcoin Nostr messages (events) function independent of the servers that "relay" messages solving problems plauging other parts of the fediverse(decentralized social media) such as email, RSS, Mastodon(ActivityPub) and Matrix Protocol. Oh and every single account using Nostr protocol can recieve bitcoin even on the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

To learn more about nostr check out their main site here

To get started using nostr check out Primal created by Jack Dorsy or my favorite nostrudel then you can add me using

In this tutorial you will learn how to,

Create Nostr accounts
Send nostr events
* Query nostr relays for events
* Send encrypted nostr events
* Obtain a nostr Internet Identifier so other people easily find you

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Toronto, ON M5G 1M6, Canada
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4 Going