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New York
Investor Conversations | Transatlantic Tides: Riding the Waves of UK/US Investments
Hosted by Amelia Bashalany
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About Event
With the election just around the corner, we're bringing together some industry veterans to discuss what the results could mean for deal flow & investments, both in the US & internationally.
Topics will include:
- Sector-specific opportunities & challenges
- Impact of economic & political factors on investment strategies
- Best practices for successful transatlantic partnerships
Chip Korn - Partner & Co-Chair - Business Department, Foley Hoag
Karen O'Grady - Partner - Sheridans
Will Parker - Partner - Sheridans
Andrew Drylie - Principal - Quadri Ventures
Elias Mendoza - Executive Partner - Siris Capital
Himanshu Singh - Founder and Managing Partner - GiantLeap Capital
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