Cover Image for Atila House - AfroFuturism

Atila House - AfroFuturism

Hosted by Atila Tech & 4 others
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Kitchener, Ontario
Registration Closed
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About Event

Atila is hosting a series of events exploring the collaboration of African history and culture with futuristic technologies like, blockchain and AI to create a better and more optimistic future for Africa and the whole world. Allies are welcome!

These series of events will take place during the ETHGlobal Waterloo blockchain hackathon.

The event venue will be shared with approved guests. The location is a 7 minutes drive and 20 minutes bus ride from Lazaridis Business School, the main hackathon venue.

This event is in partnership with:

  1. Afropolitan

  2. Waterloo African Student's Association

  3. Waterloo Blockchain Club

  4. Waterloo Data Science Club

  5. Western African Student's Student's Association

  6. Western Black Student's Association

  7. Black Students of Laziridis

  8. DigiMillenials and AfroNights in KW

  9. Potter's House Royals

  10. ETHGlobal

There are multiple events happening. Please sign up for the events which are most relevant to you. You can sign up for 1 or as many as you wish.

All events are free!

Private Dinner - Wednesday, June 21st, and Thursday, June 22nd, 6 PM

A private invite-only dinner with Atila House residents, sponsors, community partners, and invited guests.

Join us for fun evenings of good food and good conversation.

Hackathon Lunch and Learn Workshop - Friday, June 23rd, 12 PM

A workshop covering everything you need to know for the ETHGlobal Waterloo hackathon including details on a special Hackathon between Afropolitan and Near.

AfroFuturism - Friday, June, 23rd and Saturday, June 24th, 6 PM

Afrofuturism is a session exploring and celebrating the intersection of African history and the African Future.

This is a collaborative event between tech clubs and Black and African Student Association clubs.
