Cover Image for Workshop: Fine-tune and Analyze LLMs

Workshop: Fine-tune and Analyze LLMs

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San Francisco, California
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About Event

Slow iteration cycles, inaccurate responses, and poor retrieval are just a few of the issues that currently plague the language models (LLMs) used today. So, how can you efficiently fine-tune and evaluate the performance of an LLM that powers your application?

​In this hands-on workshop, you will fine-tune a popular open source LLM (Google’s Flan-T5) at scale using Ray and HuggingFace. Additionally, you will visualize and inspect your model predictions using Arize Phoenix. 

You’ll learn about flexible and scalable approaches to fine-tuning. Then you’ll also learn how to visualize and analyze clusters of data points inside a notebook - with the ultimate goal of extracting tangible insights for fine-tuning an LLM to your own data, task, or desired response approach. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Hands-on demonstration focused on scalable fine-tuning and inference of an open-source language model (Google's Flan-T5) in 40 minutes using Ray and HuggingFace. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to fine-tune their own Flan-T5 model in Colab.

  • Once fine-tuning is complete, use Phoenix to visualize the embedding distribution of our model before and after fine-tuning 

​** Please bring your laptop to follow along with this hands-on workshop.


Hosts: Arize AI & Anyscale

5:30pm - 6:00pm Arrival
6:00-7:30 - Hands-on workshop
7:30-8:00pm - Networking


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