Cover Image for Aptos | WaveHack Program Japan Edition Launch Meetup
Cover Image for Aptos | WaveHack Program Japan Edition Launch Meetup
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AKINDO is largest builder platforms. Our grant protocol WaveHack makes your app ecosystem 10x faster, stronger and more long-term.
Hosted By
77 Went
Past Event
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About Event

※English below

Aptos,Move言語を使ったプロダクト開発に興味のあるビルダーのためのイベントです。このイベントを通してはAptos初めての試みとなるWaveHack Programをローンチします。


WaveHack Programとは?




Aptosコミュニティバックアップのもとグローバルで通用する革新的なMoveを活用したプロダクトをこのWaveHack Programを通して生み出していきましょう。

このページよりエントリーを頂いた方にはWaveHack Programの詳細および開始のご連絡を先立ってメールにてお送りさせて頂きます。

Opening Meetupのゲストについて

AptosネットワークではMove言語を使ってスマートコントラクトを書くことができますが、このローンチイベントではMove言語を使ったプロダクト開発実績が日本で最も豊富なUmi Protocolの創業者とCTOをお招きして開催されます。

そして、AptosコアチームからはAPAC EcosystemのリードであるJeromeがこのイベントのために現地参加を行います。彼は日本語も話せますので、当日はUmiチームだけではなく、JeromeからもAptosやMoveのポテンシャルについて直接お伺いください。



Jerome( @0xjerome ) Aptos

ふゆたろう( @Fuyutarow ) Umi protocol

いまたか( @imataka7 ) Umi protocol


19:00 Open

19:30 Start

19:30-19:40 WaveHack programのご紹介

19:40-20:00 Keynote by Jerome(Aptos)

20:00-20:15 Keynote by Fuyutarow(Umi)

20:15-20:50 Talk Session by Fuyutarow, Imataka (Umi)

20:50-21:30 Networking🍻🍕🍣

21:30 Close


CryptoBase( )
〒150-0031 東京都渋谷区桜丘町16−13 桜丘フロントⅡ 3F(Map)

WaveHack Programのルール


参加者は14日ごとに行われるAptos Waveへ成果物(プロダクトの改善アップデートなど)を提出することができ、Aptosコアチームによるその成果物への評価によってGrantを継続的に獲得することができます。


Aptos WaveHack のテーマ

1.Aptosブロックチェーンを活用したDapps開発 Grant$25,000


2.Aptos Moveドキュメントの日本語翻訳および日本語コンテンツ制作 Grant$10,000

各WaveごとにAptos Moveの日本語への翻訳コンテンツの提出を受付ます。各Wave終了時に$1000が、プロダクトの投票率に応じてオンチェーンで自動分配されます(今回はUSDCをEthereumネットワークにて支払いします)。




7月にはこのプログラムを通して最も多くのGrantを得たTOPチームによるDEMODAYも予定しておりますので、この機会を通してAptosやMoveエコシステムにDeep Diveしてみてください。

This event is for builders interested in developing products using the Aptos,Move language. During this event, we will launch the WaveHack Program, a first for Aptos. If you are interested in this new program for web3 builders in Japan, please join us.

What is the WaveHack Program?

WaveHack is a grant program that allows you to continue to earn grants by submitting updates to your product every two weeks.

Not only will you be able to submit your product to the Aptos network, but you will also be evaluated and receive feedback directly from the Aptos team and community every 14 days to earn grants.

Participants are free to submit their work at any time (Wave). The WaveHack Program is a program that retroactively evaluates contributions to the Aptos Ecosystem.

Those who submit an entry through this page will receive an email with details of the WaveHack Program and notification of the start of the program before the program begins.

About the Opening Meetup Guests

This launch event will feature the founder and CTO of Umi Protocol, the company with the most extensive experience in product development using the Move language in Japan.

Jerome, the APAC Ecosystem lead from the Aptos core team, will be on-site for the event. He also speaks Japanese, so you can hear directly from Jerome as well as the Umi team about the potential of Aptos and Move on the day.

Event overview


​Jerome( @0xjerome ) Aptos

​Fuyutaro​( @Fuyutarow ) Umi protocol

​Imataka ( @imataka7 ) Umi protocol


​19:00 Open

​19:30 Start

​19:30-19:40 Introduction of WaveHack program

​19:40-20:00 Keynote by Jerome(Aptos)

​20:00-20:15 Keynote by Fuyutarow(Umi)

​20:15-20:50 Talk Session by Fuyutarow, Imataka (Umi)

​20:50-21:30 Networking

​21:30 Close


​CryptoBase( )

16-13 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0031 Sakuragaoka Front II 3F (Map)

​WaveHack Program rules

​WaveHack is an ongoing grant program deployed on the AKINDO platform.

Participants can submit deliverables (product improvement updates, etc.) to the Aptos Wave, which is held every 14 days, and can continually earn grants based on the evaluation of their deliverables.

Deliverables differ depending on each wave, and this time the following two themes are set.

​Aptos WaveHack Theme

1. Dapps development using Aptos blockchain:Total Grant $25,000

2. Japanese translation of Aptos Move documents and Japanese content production :Total Grant $10,000

​Each wave has a 10-day development/submission period, and a 4-day evaluation and voting period by the Aptos core team. Grants will be provided by Aptos in each wave based on feedback on the submission and voting rate. will be immediately distributed to the submitting team.

These 14 days are called a wave, and it will be repeated 10 times starting in March.

You can participate in any wave, or you can skip it. This grant program retrospectively evaluates your work, so you can submit it to any wave.

In July, we are also planning a DEMODAY with the TOP teams who received the most grants through this program, so please use this opportunity to take a deep dive into the Aptos and Move ecosystems.

Location SHIBUYA / CryptoBase (旧 NIB SHIBUYA)
Japan, 〒150-0031 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Sakuragaokachō, 16−13 桜丘フロントⅡ 3F
Avatar for AKINDO
Presented by
AKINDO is largest builder platforms. Our grant protocol WaveHack makes your app ecosystem 10x faster, stronger and more long-term.
Hosted By
77 Went