Cover Image for Applied Blockchain Sessions #2: Re-Imagining Enterprise Blockchain
Cover Image for Applied Blockchain Sessions #2: Re-Imagining Enterprise Blockchain
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Private Event

Applied Blockchain Sessions #2: Re-Imagining Enterprise Blockchain

Hosted by Applied Blockchain & 4 others
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About Event

​We are proud to announce our in-person event: Applied Blockchain Sessions #2: Re-Imagining Enterprise Blockchain.

​It's been a few months since we hosted our hugely popular in-person blockchain events at Level39 in Canary Wharf featuring Polygon, Algorand, JP Morgan and Archax. We're excited to launch the next event in the series for 2024.

At this event, Adi Ben-Ari, CEO at Applied Blockchain, will share his thoughts, insights and predictions for the industry from a technology perspective.

Topics include:

  • Wallets and passkey

  • Scalability and ZK rollups

  • ​Data privacy and secure enclaves

  • Re-thinking enterprise blockchain

We will also host a panel of industry leading guests, as well as announcing some exciting product developments. Our Panel guests include:

  1. Julia Demidova, Head of CBDC & Digital Currencies Product and Strategy at FIS. Julia was involved in "Project Sela", a CBDC project with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

  2. John Hallahan, Business Solutions & Advisory Director at Fireblocks, a leading provider of institutional custody solutions.

  3. Simon Barnby, CMO at Archax, the UK's first FCA regulated token exchange.

  4. Emma Landriault, Vice President - Onyx Coin Systems at JPMorgan Chase.

  5. Vikram Seth, Head of Blockchain & Web3, Shell

Andrew Campbell, Head of Product at Applied Blockchain will provide an update on Silent Data, and demonstrate:

  1. Tokenisation with role-based data privacy using Silent Data Rollup. This will be showcased on Archax, the first UK FCA regulated token exchange.

  2. In-contract AML checks using Silent Data Oracle.

Andy will also share news about our Silent Data Rollup collaborations with zkSync and Polygon zkEVM, and our roadmap for future releases.

One of our roles as technologists is to make technology understandable so that individuals and organisations can make informed decisions. Blockchain technology continues evolving and redefining how we think about money, ownership of physical and digital assets, identity, and community. In 2015 we began adopting blockchain technology and recommending it to our clients, initially banks, because of the technical efficiencies that we saw. No other technology enables the digital exchange of value in a technically secure manner (when used correctly) with so few actors and steps. This remains our North Star. We believe that technological efficiency brings value, and history demonstrates that it is very difficult to stop once efficiency is understood.

This event is designed for a business audience, refreshments will be served, and there will be plenty of opportunity to network. The number of places is limited.


  • 18:00-19:00 - Welcome drinks

  • 19:00-19:20 - 2024 Predictions

  • 19:20-19:40 - Silent Data product update and tokenisation demo with Archax

  • 19:40-20:10 - Panel

  • 20:10-21:00 - Snacks, drinks & networking

We hope you can join us!

Level 39 One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AB
143 Went