Cover Image for The Annual Review LIVE: A Lowkey workshop with Jason Shen

The Annual Review LIVE: A Lowkey workshop with Jason Shen

Hosted by Jason Shen
Past Event
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About Event

You've seen a bunch of annual review templates online. But when do you actually sit down to go through the questions and walk through them?

This New Year's Day, we'll do just that, with the Annual Review process I first shared back in 2017 on Medium (76k views). We'll divide our time in 3 segments, with dedicated time to write, think, and reflect, and have some informal discussion about what we observed.

  1. Look Back (past)

  2. Check In (now)

  3. Chart Ahead (future)

I've made a free template we can use but you can use any system you'd like.

About me:

I’m Jason Shen—3x founder, Meta PM, and executive coach helping founders and creative leaders navigate change and reinvent their work.

My article How to Run Your Own Annual Review has over 76,000 views on Medium and I've been doing the practice annually since 2016.