Manu Ballbach

RYT Yogateacher*PowerPassionPeace*YHE 500 & always yogastudent ✨Loving Flow&Yin& Breathwork&ThaiYoga Bodywork& Gravity✨ yogaasyourinnercompass*


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Mother of 2, art/german teacher, yogateacher&student, living in southwest germany

Yoga TT with AYA YHE RYS Power Passion Peace 500h ( multistyle at Yogahaus Ettlingen, Germany)

Pranayama TT50h

Perinatal Yoga TT50h

Osteo Thai Bodywork TT 50h with Swadharma, Julia Weis, Sunshine Network

Roots and Wings TT 16h- 8 principles of yoga alignment inspired by tantravaya yoga school (Dr.Bettina Wentzel/ Shy Sayar)

Gravity Yoga®️ TT with YOGABODY 25h