Cover Image for Existential Risk Observatory Post-Summit Networking Event
Cover Image for Existential Risk Observatory Post-Summit Networking Event
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Presented by
32 Went
Private Event

Existential Risk Observatory Post-Summit Networking Event

Past Event
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About Event

Come join our drinks and discuss the outcomes of the first-ever AI Safety Summit, as well the way forward for (Dutch) AI Governance!

Here we will join academics, policy makers and other experts in a discussion about what has happened since the first AI Safety Summit. According to experts such as Prof. Stuart Russell, governments must act quickly to avoid "huge risks" from Frontier AI.

Otto Barten, founder of ERO, will explain these developments: What do they mean and what can we expect in the near future? What role does the Netherlands play?

Risto Uuk, EU Research Lead at the Future of Life Institute, will present his perspective on the EU AI Act, which is still under negotiation at the time of this writing. How much depends on these laws?

Please enter your availability via this page. The first drink during the drinks is at our expense. This is a semi-public event.

Dudok Den Haag
Hofweg 1A, 2511 AA Den Haag, Netherlands
Avatar for #AISafetyTalks
Presented by
32 Went