Cover Image for INCEPTION  —— The Future Of Web3&Entertainment

INCEPTION —— The Future Of Web3&Entertainment

Past Event
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About Event

# Event Introduction

Driven by curiosity, individuals can "dive into new spaces." We should allow more creations to exist, consequently gaining more value.

Co-hosted by CyberPictures, a premium RWA asset distribution platform focused on the entertainment industry, and Odaily, the offline event "INCEPTION —— The Future Of Web3&Entertainment" aims to explore the path of film and television IP into the realm of Web3.

# Event Highlights

Cross-industry Experts Seeking Incremental Markets

This event invites experts from the fields of film, collectibles, and Web3 to explore the future prospects and commercial value of the combination of Web3 and Entertainment, seeking "Web2+Web3" incremental markets. The agenda includes discussions on hot topics and exciting appearances by mysterious guests.

Hollywood Film RWA Premiere, Opening the Gateway from Film IP to Web3

CyberPictures will unveil its first film RWA project, Omeebo, featuring a brand-new film and television IP created by Hollywood production team. This project integrates film and Web3 in the most intuitive way. Attendees can experience the atmosphere of participating in a film project as an "NFT Holder."

# Event Schedule (Draft)

Venue: #14-01 MBFC Tower 3, 12 Marina Blvd, Singapore

14:30–15:00: Guest Sharing

15:00–16:00: Roundtable Discussion

16:00–16:30: Tea Break

# Organizers' Introduction


Founded by veterans of Hollywood and the Chinese film industry, CyberPictures possesses abundant top-tier resources in film and television. CyberPictures is made up of industry-facing CyberPictures Labs and user facing CyberPictures Launchpad, two separate UXUI’s.

CyberPictures Labs will offer an all-in-one RWA solution for film and television projects, providing users with high-quality assets, thus achieving more direct and immersive engagement and interaction between entertainment users and content.

CyberPictures Launchpad will leverage high-quality content for the fan economy, using convenient product interactive experiences to attract a broader range of Web2 users to enter the Web3 world with low barriers, simultaneously driving liquidity while creating premium content.


Odaily aims to be a resource integration service provider within the blockchain industry, starting from a content platform perspective. Established in early 2018 through incubation by 36Kr, it covers news, bulletins, in-depth analyses, and industry reports in various content forms. The platform covers website, app, WeChat public account, mainstream tech media, financial media, and operates over a hundred highly active communities. With over 20 billion total exposures, it has published 20,000+ original articles related to blockchain. The platform also hosts numerous technology seminars, industry summits, resource matchmaking events, and innovation contests, attracting industry leaders worldwide and reaching millions of participants through on-site and post-event communication.