Cover Image for 1st Virtual African Traditional Medicine Day- September 1-2, 2023

1st Virtual African Traditional Medicine Day- September 1-2, 2023

Past Event
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About Event

About the event   

About the event  In celebration of the African Union's Traditional Medicine Day, The African Life Summit is a momentous occasion that aims to shine a spotlight on the untapped treasures of African traditional medicine and its potential to enrich the world's approach to healing. Rooted in the dichotomy of fighting diseases as an evil instead of embracing it as an integral circle of life, modern medicine has shown remarkable advancements; however, the lessons learned from the pandemic have emphasized the need for a concept of holistic healing that is embedded in the concept of life as a starting point for holistic healing. This Summit will transcend conventional medical practices, focusing on addressing historical, generational, mental, moral, spiritual, and social traumas, and will explore the profound impact of African medicine on fostering global well-being and life. 

Why this event 

The African Life Summit is a celebration of the profound wisdom embedded in African traditional medicine and its potential to reshape global healthcare. By embracing holistic healing approaches that address historical, generational, mental, moral, spiritual, and social traumas, we can foster a more compassionate and comprehensive approach to well-being. As we commemorate Traditional Medicine Day, let us come together to embrace the ancient wisdom from Africa for the world, creating a brighter and healthier future for all. 

Why This Event Is Critical Now 

The African Life Summit holds immense significance at this moment for several reasons: 

Celebrating Traditional Medicine Day  As the world celebrates the African Union's Traditional Medicine Day, this summit presents a unique opportunity to honor and elevate the ancient wisdom of African medicine. 

Global Health and Well-being  The pandemic has revealed the importance of embracing holistic healing and integrating traditional practices into modern healthcare systems for comprehensive well-being. 

Cultural Preservation  Recognizing and celebrating the healing practices of African communities contributes to cultural preservation and fosters cross-cultural understanding. 

Fostering Collaboration  Organised by Follow Me To Africa STP and Partners 

The event will facilitate networking and collaboration among healthcare professionals, policymakers, and traditional healers to create innovative and inclusive healthcare solutions. 

What Participants Will Benefit From 

Healthcare Professionals  Participants will gain insights into diverse healing practices, fostering a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach to healthcare. 

Policymakers  Policymakers will explore ways to integrate traditional medicine into healthcare policies, promoting holistic preparedness and community-based healthcare. 

Traditional Healers  Traditional healers will gain recognition and appreciation for their valuable contributions, encouraging the preservation of indigenous knowledge. 

Community Leaders  Community leaders will be empowered to promote the holistic well-being of their communities through the celebration of their cultural heritage. 

Expected Outcomes 

Awareness and Appreciation  The summit will raise global awareness of the depth and significance of African traditional medicine, fostering appreciation for its contributions to humanity. 

Collaboration and Integration  The event will facilitate collaborations between modern medical professionals and traditional healers, promoting the integration of ancient healing wisdom into mainstream healthcare. 

Cultural Recognition  By celebrating African healing traditions, the summit will contribute to the preservation and recognition of African cultural heritage in the global healthcare landscape. 

Holistic Healing Approach  Participants will be inspired to embrace holistic healing concepts, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, moral, spiritual, and social well-being. 

Sessions, Speakers, and Facilitators

Event Draft Agenda: Friday 01 - Saturday 2 September 2023

 Day one: Friday 01 September 2023, Time 13:30 AM - 18:15 PM GMT

13:30-14:00 Opening remarks and orientation

Event Masterminds and curators

14:00-14:50: Session 1 Keynote: The Dichotomy in Medicine: Motivational-Medicine and African traditional medicine

Participants will explore the dichotomy of life and self-elevation, understanding the need to reconnect medicine and well-being to life. The session will discuss the foundation of a new civilization that embraces the principle of life, with a focus on African traditional medicine and ancient wisdom as the perfect starting point.

Knowledge Giver


15:00-15:50: Session 2   The Essence of African Medicine: Unveiling Ancient Healing Traditions

Esteemed experts will take attendees on a captivating journey through the profound essence of African medicine. They will explore the ancient healing traditions that have been passed down through generations, celebrating the wisdom embedded in African healing practices.

Knowledge giver

 16:00 - 16:50: Session 3  Beyond Medication: Embracing Holistic Healing for the World

This session will delve into the limitations of merely medicating physical symptoms and advocate for embracing holistic healing approaches. Participants will understand the importance of integrating the mind, body, and spirit in healing practices for comprehensive well-being.

Knowledge Givers


17:00-17:45: Session 4a Melanin Mastery with Dr. Melanie Stevenson

Listen to an esteemed researcher Dr. Melanie Stevenson in a captivating session on the pivotal connection between melanin and holistic wellbeing. Gain insights into how melanin contributes to skin health, immunity, and mental vitality, and learn practical strategies to nurture your body's natural radiance. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with a leading expert and elevate your understanding of melanin's profound impact on overall wellness.

Knowledge Giver


17:50-18:30: Session 4b Alimentation, nutrition, and well-being: Food as a preventive and curative medicine for melanated people.

What we as Africans/melanated people eat determines our state of well-being, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and even intellectually. This session will explore different types of healthy African alimentation from ancient times to today and offer tips on how we can still incorporate them into our daily lives regardless of our circumstances.

Knowledge Giver


 17:50-18:15: Recap and adjoining remarks


Day two: Saturday, 02 September 2023, 13:30 – 19:15 GMT

 13:30-14:00: Opening remarks and orientation

 14:00-14:50: Session 5 Learning from the Pandemic: A Call for Holistic Preparedness

Reflecting on the lessons from the global pandemic, participants will discuss the necessity of holistic preparedness and community-based healthcare. The session will emphasize the importance of integrating traditional healing practices into emergency response plans.

Knowledge Givers


 15:00-15:50: Session 6  Breaking Barriers: The Role of African Medicine in Modern Healthcare

Esteemed panelists will engage in thought-provoking discussions on integrating African traditional medicine into mainstream healthcare systems. They will explore ways to foster a symbiotic relationship between modern and traditional healing practices.

Knowledge Givers


 16:00 - 16:50: Session 7 Healing the Soul: Addressing Mental and Spiritual Traumas

This session will explore the profound impact of historical and generational traumas on mental and spiritual well-being. Attendees will learn about the role of African healing practices in fostering emotional resilience and growth.

Knowledge Givers


 17:00-17:50: Session 8 Wisdom of the Ancestors: Embracing Moral and Social Healing

Participants will be captivated by this engaging session that sheds light on how African healing traditions carry the wisdom of ancestors. The session will highlight how these traditions can help address moral and social traumas in modern society.

Knowledge Givers


18:00-18:50: Session 9 Concluding Conversation - Celebrating African Culture: Traditional Healing Practices in Communities

The summit will conclude with a joyful celebration of the diverse cultures of Africa and their healing practices. Participants will recognize the importance of preserving cultural heritage in promoting global well-being.

Knowledge Givers


18:50.19:15: Closing Remarks and the Way Forward.

French Translation

Event organizers 

Ankwetta B. Achaleke  Event Mastermind & Curator Founder of FMTA STP Serial Author and publisher (Cameroon/Austria/South Africa/Sao Tome & Principe)

Dr. med. Emmanuel. Etoung Co-Mastermind and Curator Founder of Motivational-Medicine Member of African Scientific Council For Health Innovation (CSAIS) (Cameroon/Germany)

Elykiah Doumbe Co-Mastermind and Curator Fondatrice du UPn'DO Productions Inc. Hôte de l'émission Connexions 360° Gestionnaire du projet Connexions Culturelles (MICRO (Cameroon/Canada)

Flora Salikhova Administrative Director of PROMETRA International
Holds a Masters Degree in International Finance and is currently a PhD candidate (Senegal)