Office Hours - FLOWLab⁵
We're back! Miss us? We sure missed you.
If you have joined us before, you know that 2nd Tuesdays are typically used for a monthly Info Session. This meetup is open to all!
Today's Info Session/Office Hours Agenda:
Get Updates about membership and our FL5 community vision.
What we're up to and why you should join.
Connect with other creators and innovators.
Reflect on YOUR wins.
Because we've been on hiatus for a month, we'll be facilitating our member-favorite activity: A reflection on our last month (or year)...taking a moment to pat ourselves on the back for everything we do.
Learn about some of our talented members.
We give ALL our amazing members the chance for shameless self-promo. This is mutualism in action.
We can't predict the future but we're pretty sure you'll leave inspired to #KeepGoing AND have a moment of your week that is just for you.
See you soon!!