Cover Image for Ready, Set, Party | ADPList Year-End Party!

Ready, Set, Party | ADPList Year-End Party!

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About Event

​Year in 2021 - Mentor Club Celebration πŸŽ‰

​In big and small ways, 2021 has been a ride of a lifetime for all mentors and we are only a month from a brand new year πŸ¦„. Every mentors has met incredible mentees globally - sharing knowledge far and wide. Every mentees, a magical mentorship session and more. At ADPList, we want to celebrate this with you.

​On Dec 1, we're throwing a BIG party ✨ with games, prizes to be won, socials - all with fellow mentors worldwide in 60 mins. Let's gather around, to feel proud and celebrate our milestone as part of ADPList Community!

​We're so proud to have you in this club.

​Don't take things too seriously, come have fun!
Ready, Set, Party!
See you on the 1st Dec πŸŽ‰!

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