Cover Image for Virtual Adhesion Science Gathering 2021

Virtual Adhesion Science Gathering 2021

Hosted by Dohgyu Hwang & 3 others
Registration Closed
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About Event

The Registration is CLOSED

Every attendee should register to participate by Sept. 17, 2021 (Poster presenters should register AND submit their poster by Sept. 17, 2021)

What: Please join us for a three-day event consisting of invited talks by leading researchers within the adhesion science community and a virtual poster session held on the GatherTown platform. We encourage all participants, especially early career researchers (i.e. students and postdocs), to present a poster. The meeting will close with a career mentorship panel for graduate students and postdocs on the last day of the event.

Posters: Posters are expected to be research-focused and non-commercial.

Invited talks:
9/22 10:10 AM - Constantino Creton - ESPCI Paris
"Quantitative detection of bond scission with mechanochemistry. Challenges and Opportunities"
9/22 10:50 AM - Lilian Hsiao - North Carolina State University
"Designing hydrodynamic frictional forces in haptic materials"

9/23 10:10 AM - Tal Cohen - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Sticking, Slipping and Jamming: understanding instabilities in adhesive layers”
9/23 10:50 AM- Ryan Hayward - University of Colorado Boulder
"Electro-adhesion of soft ion-conducting 'ionoelastomer' heterojunctions"

9/24 10:10 AM - Katharine Jensen - Williams College
"Elastocapillary Adhesion”"
9/24 10:50 AM - Michael Bartlett - Virginia Tech
"Switchable Adhesives for Multifunctional Interfaces"

Career Mentorship Panelists
Edwin Chan - National Institute of Standards and Technology
Jason Clapper - 3M
Alfred Crosby - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Katharine Jensen - Williams College
Alex Nyarko - Avery Dennison

Kevin T. Tuner (Chair 2021/23 GRC)
Niels Holten Andersen (Vice-Chair 2021/23 GRC)
Naomi Deneke (co-chair 2021/23 GRS)
Dohgyu Hwang (co-chair 2021/23 GRS)

Poster Submission Instructions:
-The poster session will be held on the Gather.Town platform. 
-Conference organizers will set up the posters for presenters on Gather.Town. Please submit your posters here:
-A poster size of 27cm x 16cm is recommended (see pdf instructions below for more detail), but not required.
-Please reference the pdf below for more details on how to save and submit your poster.

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Please submit questions, comments, or concerns regarding poster submissions or other conference-related inquiries to the following email address: