Cover Image for Chat Oriented Programming (CHOP) in Action
Cover Image for Chat Oriented Programming (CHOP) in Action
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Chat Oriented Programming (CHOP) in Action

Past Event
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About Event

Ready to revolutionize the way you code? Chat Oriented Programming (CHOP) is a new coding paradigm that allows developers to leverage AI and natural language interactions to streamline their development workflow.

In this talk we'll cover:

  • The Basics of CHOP: Understand the core principles of chat-oriented programming and how it leverages AI to help you understand and write code.

  • Live Coding: See firsthand how chat-oriented programming can be used to generate code, write documentation, automate repetitive tasks, and help you debug in real-time.

  • Q&A: Get your questions answered about CHOP.


Ado Kukic - Director of Developer Relations at Sourcegraph

About the Speaker

Ado is a full-stack software engineer, speaker, and Director of Developer Relations at Sourcegraph. He spends his time writing code, contributing to open source, and helping developers learn new things.



2311 North Tracy Blvd, Suite A, Tracy, CA 95376

Parking and Basic Information

The venue has plenty of no-cost parking. The doors to the venue automatically lock at a certain time. If locked and you are outside, knock and someone will let you in.

WorkVine209 Suites
2311 N Tracy Blvd A, Tracy, CA 95376, USA
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