Cover Image for A2Fx Career Track: CS Mentorship (Info Session)

A2Fx Career Track: CS Mentorship (Info Session)

Hosted by acts2fellowship merced
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event


A2Fx is one way you can get plugged in at A2F and get connected to others. Choose your path!

This semester we are offering mentorship and career help in the field of computer science. Learn web development, set learning goals, and get equipped this semester!

College presents opportunities for us to advance in our careers and form lifelong relationships – which means it isn’t meant to be done alone.

Our mentorship program connects you with industry professionals (from IBM & Workday) who can coach you along your path to landing that CS Internship.

Apply. Meet & Greet. Discuss interests. Gain skills. Month-to-month commitment.