Cover Image for ZK Mini Summit
Cover Image for ZK Mini Summit
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Presented by
ZKsync & friends
1,857 Went
Past Event
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About Event

The ZK Mini Summit 🚀 is gearing up to be a thrilling ride 🌟. We’ll dive deep into the innovative universe of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) 🧠💫 From a whimsical zero-knowledge proofs children’s book reading 📚✨ to technical discussions on zkSNARKS.

Expect to learn by talks on out-of-the-box on-chain dApps 🎮🛠️, a session on using Merkle Trees for Token/NFT claims 🖼️, and a cozy fireside chat with friends from Aztec Network, Espresso Systems, and EZKL on the magic of zkSNARKs 🔥

This summit is your ticket 🎟️ to an enlightening journey, connecting intricate concepts with tangible applications. Don’t miss out on this blend of knowledge and fun 🎉💡!

🚨You need an ETHDenver ticket to be able to join us:

Agenda 📆

  1. 3:00 - 3:30 PM → Reading of ZK Proof Children’s Book, Marcin Michalski, Chief Protocol Architect at Matter Labs

  2. 3:30 - 4:00 PM → “Dumbass, crazy ideas for on-chain dApps,” by Nicolas Villanueva, Senior Software Engineer at Matter Labs

  3. 4:10 - 4:50 PM → “ZREAM fireside — zkSNARKs Rule Everything Around Me — Vitalik Buterin,”

  4. 4:55 - 5:35 PM → “The Good, the Bad, the Ugly”

  5. 5:40 - 6:00 PM → “EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions aka Proto-Danksharding” Zach Kolodny, Senior Protocol Engineer at Matter Labs

  6. 6:00 - 7:00 PM → Networking 🔥

4655 N Humboldt St
Denver, CO 80216, USA
Avatar for ZKsync & friends
Presented by
ZKsync & friends
1,857 Went