Cover Image for World Token Summit Virtual
Cover Image for World Token Summit Virtual
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World Token Summit Virtual

Registration Closed
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About Event

The World Tokenization Summit is a unique and invite only event in the GCC region, focused entirely on the realm of Real World Asset Tokenization.

At World Tokenization Summit | RWA, Our primary goal is to bring together digital asset experts from both the private and public sectors, spanning a wide array of industries including Real Estate, Utilities, Oil and Energy, Commodities, Asset Management, and the Financial sector.

Steps to join the conference for newcomers:

1) Click the Link: Decentraland Entry Link.

2) Reload the page after clicking the link provided above.

OR: For those who love shortcuts, you can use chat commands. Type "/goto 26,111" to teleport yourself to the exact location, and "/changerealm heimdallr" to make sure you're in the right realm.

See you in Metaverse!

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Arrival events
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