Socratica Toronto
Around 5-20 people willing to work on anything other than their main "project" (that means no school work if you're a student, no job work if you're employed)
A group of driven folks keeping each other accountable, working in sessions/pomodoros of 50 minutes of work and 10 mins of break time (it works, trust)
The project you work on can be anything! Ex. coding an app, knitting, making beats, painting custom shoes - as long as its something you want to do and can make progress on
at the end, we'll have 2 minute demos for people to talk about what they worked on — it's opt in so no pressure!
Details on the luma page, feel free to stick around after to socialize
We've been procrastinating too much on my side projects even though I have so much fun doing them - I feel like I'm not alone here and want to keep myself and others accountable for working on what they're passionate about
The vibes will probably be immaculate and I hope the people that come will be friends with each other
Rules/guidelines on how to act:
Come on time - hard start at 11:10
DOOOONT work on your main thing - if you don't know what to work on, I'm sure I/someone there can help you find something
Act like a host, include people in conversations, talk to people even if they're strangers, offer to help out and clean up, don't network if you're here to network I will be so sad, come to build cool shit
Bring snacks if ur feeling kind!