Cover Image for [WE] x Lattice: Sky Strife Tournament
Cover Image for [WE] x Lattice: Sky Strife Tournament
Hosted By
59 Went
Private Event

[WE] x Lattice: Sky Strife Tournament

Hosted by proofofjake
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About Event

Join us for an introduction to the onchain RTS game Sky Strife & learn about the kinds of applications that are possible to build using MUD by Lattice.

We'll begin with a small short introduction about Lattice & what Sky Strife is, followed by a beginner-friendly Sky Strife tournament.

Food and drinks will be served, alongside the battles & we will have some laptops to play with but if you are able to bring your own machine this would be great too. May the best Sky Strife-er win!

What is Lattice?
Lattice is an engineering and product focused company pushing the envelope of Ethereum applications and infrastructure. They are the team behind MUD, an open-source operating system for developing autonomous worlds and other ambitious onchain applications. Their team is also building Redstone, a Plasma-inspired L2 chain, which will scale autonomous worlds and ambitious applications built with MUD.
- to learn more, follow their Twitter here

What is Sky Strife?
Sky Strife is a fully onchain RTS. Compete for control of islands, earn 🔮, and summon your own matches.
-to learn more, follow their Twitter here

Who is [WE] - World Explorers
Player community and guild focused on exploring fully onchain games and Autonomous Worlds. Helping onchain games reach their peak audience whilst also delivering the best player experience to everyone.
- to learn more, follow their Twitter here

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Hosted By
59 Went