Cover Image for 3 Practical Strategies for UXR Impact
Cover Image for 3 Practical Strategies for UXR Impact
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3 Practical Strategies for UXR Impact

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About Event

Ruby Pryor, a global UX Research expert, will share trends in UX research and three practical strategies that researchers and research leaders can use to navigate those trends to increase their impact. She will also share her four-level framework for communicating UXR impact and lead a discussion of the categories and types of metrics that can be used to show the impact of our efforts.

Ruby is the founder of Rex, a UX research and strategic design consulting firm, and is on a mission to make continuous discovery a reality for every organisation. Ruby has worked in Design and Customer Experience for a decade across Australia and Asia. Her previous experience includes working for Boston Consulting Group, Grab and Nous Group. She has spoken at UX conferences in six countries and will share her knowledge and experience at this free event.

Ruby is joining us from Bangkok, so please note the later event time. Don't worry if it's too close to bedtime or may interrupt your dinner plans; register now and we'll send you the recording!

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