Cover Image for The Great SDR Debate 2022

The Great SDR Debate 2022

Hosted by Sales IQ
Past Event
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About Event

There's been a heightened amount of chatter regarding the effectiveness/value of the SDR/assembly line sales model at the moment.

Is it just a spam machine? Do new SDRs really have a chance? Is it just a Boiler Room designed to harass and annoy prospective customers?

Or is it the single greatest way to scale and grow pipeline? Are we really just at the beginning - and new technologies will only accelerate the SDR model and make it even more effective?

We see merit in both sides of this debate.

We’ve been having a lot of very provocative conversations with people on LinkedIn on this issue and we think it would be a great topic to pull in some thought leaders on the subject to discuss the pros and cons of the utilization of the SDR model for B2B businesses.

We’ve assembled a who's who of incredible panelists to weigh in on the SDR model and debate its benefits and its problems.

We’d love you to join and be part of this epic conversation.

We will be taking questions from the attendees - so come prepared with your ideas and inquiries!

See you then!