New Asset Issuance and Settlement on Bitcoin
The Bitcoin halving event is approaching, and the focus is on new assets and laying out new tracks. "New Asset Issuance and Settlement on Bitcoin" themed salon welcomes your participation!
Join leading developers, esteemed community originals, and influential opinion leaders as we delve into cutting-edge Bitcoin technologies like Runes and Ordinals, cross-chain asset interoperability, and the fusion of art with new asset classes. We'll also explore the trajectory of Bitcoin's ecosystem and discuss the creation of a comprehensive global Bitcoin settlement network.
Key Discussion Points:
Innovations and breakthroughs in the technical protocols of new Bitcoin assets
The origin of Token value as seen from the explosion of Memes
The future of Bitcoin as a platform for universal asset issuance and a global settlement network
The development direction of Bitcoin ecosystem infrastructure
With the Bitcoin halving imminent, how to strategize the Runes protocol track
Bitcoin Settlement Lab:BSL, is a non-profit organization consisting of Bitcoin builders, researchers, and investors. It is dedicated to making Bitcoin the global economic settlement layer and promoting a fairer, more open, and more innovative human society.
比特币减半在即,聚焦新资产、布局新赛道。「New Asset Issuance and Settlement on Bitcoin 比特币新资产发行与结算」主题沙龙欢迎您的参与!
我们邀请了比特币新资产生态的建设者、社区OG 和 KOL共聚一堂,围绕 Runes、Ordinals、资产跨链等 Bitcoin 生态硬核技术内容,以及艺术品新资产的融合、比特币生态发展趋势乃至构建 Bitcoin 全球结算网络等主题进行分享和讨论。
Bitcoin 新资产的技术协议创新与突破
从 Meme 爆火看 Token 的价值来源
Bitcoin 生态基础设施的发展方向
比特币减半在即,如何布局 Runes 协议赛道