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How to successfully launch a Product-Led Strategy

Hosted by Lucas Maliczak
Google Meet
Past Event
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What do Slack, Hubspot or Dropbox have in common? The same thing that permits them to nail their market: Product-Led Growth.

Product-Led Growth (PLG) is a go-to-market strategy that relies on using your product as the main vehicle to acquire, activate, and retain customers. While PLG is already a must-do in B2C SaaS, it's also being common practice for high-growth B2B SaaS companies.

Joël Capt has implemented a Product-Led Model from scratch at Beekeeper that supported their growth journey from 20 to 200+ employees and over 20M in ARR.

With RealGrowthHacking, Joël built a proven step-by-step process to confidently do the same with your own business. In this webinar, he will give an introduction to the PLG topic and the first steps you need to take to get going.

Defining the right PLG strategy is fundamental before you make any step in this direction, so don't miss out as you will have the chance to ask questions at the end and already get some answers to your challenges.

Also, all participating people will receive an exclusive FREE TRIAL access to their new Product-Led Revolution Program. Learn more about the program here:

Have a burning question? Submit them upfront using the form on the event page and your question will be prioritised during the QA session.

See you soon online!