Cover Image for Racial Healing Among Quakers: Drop-in Conversation & Support Spring 2023

Racial Healing Among Quakers: Drop-in Conversation & Support Spring 2023

Hosted by LJ Boswell
Registration Closed
This event is not currently taking registrations. You may contact the host or subscribe to receive updates.
About Event

Working towards racial healing can often feel isolating, frustrating, confusing. Working with others in your monthly meeting can be fruitful but also may be limited in your collective expertise.

We've found that in gathering together we have access to a wider source of wisdom and perspectives. We share our stories, hear others, learn from each other and listen to where Spirit/God is leading us. Through this emergent process we feel uplifted, inspired, renewed.

We've found gathering together fulfills a deep longing in us as we experience the hope and joy of our collective movement towards transformation.

We need each other. Please consider joining us.

The Format
Each session begins with participants sharing about what is stirring around racial healing in their lives and/or meetings. At this time individuals can request support. If no one is in need of specific support, we discuss themes and concerns raised in our initial sharing. Every session ends with an invitation for participants to share a learning, an intention and/or prayer.

Pay as Led
These drop-in spaces are now pay as led. Please consider contributing what feels both generous and comfortable. Suggested donation is $20 and suggested sliding scale is $0-$40 a session. And of course, please come whether your financial contribution is $0 or more. Your presence is the most valuable contribution.

Payments can be made via PayPal to, Venmo to LJ Boswell or via check. Please inquire about mailing address.

LJ Boswell is a Quaker spiritual director, who works at the intersection of spirituality and social justice.

For more info: